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Questions tagged [feature-request]

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2 votes
2 answers

Can we stop accepting new answers for old questions after some time?

I was wondering if it would be possible to stop accepting answers for questions that are very old, and already answered. This is a normal practice in other SEs I believe. Why? There a interesting ...
rob's user avatar
  • 1,783
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3 answers

Comments posted as answers

This happens so often, because new users don't have enough reputation to post comments. To deal with this, flags are raised and mods will move the answer to a comment. Wouldn't it be more efficient ...
Philippe's user avatar
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2 answers

Can we setup an area for beginner questions which cuts out some of the more specific questions people have

I think that is would be a good idea to have an area where a someone new to home brewing can go and find lots of beginner type questions. This could maybe done through a tag "beginner" or maybe ...
WillNZ's user avatar
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0 answers

OData source for Homebrew?

Possibly a bit of a technical question for most users, but... I was trying to connect to Homebrew using an OData client but there doesn't seem to be a source listed at ...
Tim Croydon's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

can we get LaTeX formatting for equations in questions and answers on homebrewing?

a'la I feel like there's enough discussion of homebrew calculations on here that it might be beneficial. Some examples: Calculating Alcohol by Volume How do you convert ...
mac's user avatar
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1 answer

Can old questions not be pushed to RSS readers when they're edited?

Last night drj edited the tags on many posts. This morning my RSS reader had 57 "new" items from Only they weren't new, they simply had their tags edited. Can this site ...
JackSmith's user avatar
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People don't seem to downvote much - is this due to the loss of reputation incurred?

I notice that there is not much downvoting going on, even though I see a lot of (what I perceive as) inaccurate or simply poor answers. Why are these not downvoted? Could it be that newbies don't ...
Poshpaws's user avatar
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1 answer

fermentor vs. fermenter

There are only 4 tags that use the word fermenter, and none for fermentor. However, the word fermenter is being used incorrectly. Yeast is a fermenter. Carboys, conicals, and buckets are fermentors. ...
brewchez's user avatar
  • 36.2k
1 vote
1 answer

Plurals in search terms

Not sure if this has been covered on another meta site, but I'd like to see the site's search facility handle plurals or word stemming. While looking for questions on podcasts, I searched for '...
Mark McDonald's user avatar
7 votes
6 answers

Should there be a forced delay before getting an accepted answer?

I have seen several examples of the following: Question is posted, one hour later an answer is posted, then the answer gets accepted. I am fine with the questioners prerogative to say thats a good ...
brewchez's user avatar
  • 36.2k