I've noticed that the alcohol, alcohol-content, and abv tags are all used on a similar range of questions.
The alcohol-content and abv tags seem to be very related and basically synonyms in many, if not all cases. The alcohol tag, though used on many of the same posts, seems to often take on additional meaning, regarding the flavor or other effects caused by the presence of alcohol.
Given that only abv has a wiki excerpt and it is potentially the most unnecessarily specific, I propose one of the following:
- Make alcohol more limited to questions regarding the flavor and other effects of (higher) alcohol concentrations while making abv a synonym of alcohol-content which should be generally about determining the amount of alcohol in a wine, beer, cider, etc.
- Make the abv and alcohol-content tags both synonyms of alcohol which would apply to all questions relating to (high) alcohol content, it's calculation, and it's effects.
I think I'm personally in favor of (2) for simplicity's sake though I could see the argument that it would join two fairly different types of questions.
Regardless, I think these tags need (clearer) excerpts to avoid further confusion.